Saturday, November 18, 2006

Govt to change access control norms for SEZs

[ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2006 07:20:23 PM]

NEW DELHI: The government is planning to modify the access control norms
for Special Economic Zone, which prescribes for a wall and a fencing of
a particular height, and make them flexible on demands from the developers.
The norms were prescribed to monitor the movement of goods, but now they
would be modified on demands of the IT industry, senior officials said.
The developers of IT SEZs do not want the walls topped with fences to
damage the look of their glass and concrete buildings and moreover the
export of software cannot be monitored by putting barricades, they said.
Now instead of insisting on the height of the walls the promoters would
be given an option to decide how they want to control access to the
zones - either electronically or physically or by resorting to both.
Officials said the norms laid down for access control in the new SEZ
rules were copied from those laid down for SEZs that came up earlier.
The earlier norms were in turn based on the very first SEZ that came up
in the country in the 1960s.
"With new access control and monitoring technologies available in the
market it has been decided to make the norms flexible," officials said.


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